Coronavirus Guidelines for Appointments
Here is the information needed for you to attend clinic under the new COVID-19 secure guidelines.
I understand that this is a lot to take in and appreciate that this will take some adapting to.
Please assist me to ensure that the clinic remains a safe place by respecting these guidelines. I can not underline this request enough if you have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 14 days: Fever, New or Persistent Cough, Loss of taste or sense of smell or if you or someone you live with develops symptoms of Covid-19 by the time of your appointment, please contact me before attending.
Prior to your appointment
Click on the button below. print, fill and bring my Covid-19 consent form and screening questionnaire to your appointment.
Please bring your own drinking water with you. I am no longer able to give any out.
For social distancing reasons, unless you require assistance for specific care needs or
are accompanying your child.
I ask you to attend your appointment alone. Please leave all bags and coats in your cars.
I ask that you wear a surgical mask to the clinic. You may bring your own or I can provide you with one. They are available to purchase for a small fee, to cover costs. You may use your own PPE but I do expect you all to maintain the highest possible levels of hygiene to ensure infection control is maintained.
Where possible, I would like to do a telephone consultation with you prior to your appointment. This is to cut back on face to face contact time. Where this isn't possible I will take information from you on arrival.
This is important for me to establish if there is any reason that it may not be appropriate to treat you.
Upon your arrival
On arrival at Friars Gate Farm please park and remain in your vehicle until I come to collect you.
If you have a face mask please wear this at all times whilst you are on site.
Please either text or call me on 07884020376 to announce your arrival.
Your appointment
I will come out to collect you, I will ask you then to follow me into clinic and to wash your hands upon your arrival. It is advised that we maintain 2 metre distancing for as much of the consultation as is reasonable. The only exception being when I am administering treatment. Please use the hand gel upon entering the treatment room.
I will direct you to the appropriate facilities.
If you would like to pay by BACs, please transfer the payment prior to attending your appointment.
If you would like to pay by cash, please bring the exact money in an envelop to avoid unnecessary handling of cash.
If you would like to pay by cheque please make out the cheques ahead of time to avoid extra time to be taken in clinic.
Post treatment
Any future bookings will be made. Please use the hand gel before leaving the clinic. I ask that you do not linger in the corridor and return to your vehicles as soon as possible.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive to the virus in the 14 days proceeding your attendance to clinic please contact me as soon as possible.
Gosh! what a lot to consider. I hope that this doesn't put you off!
Much Love to you all, at this difficult time
Jocelyne xx